Sondra Segundo (she/her) | 2023 Native Launchpad Associate Artist

Sondra Segundo; image credit: Dave McGrawn

Tribal Affiliation: Haida

Artistic Discipline: Music

Location: Seattle, WA

Sondra Segundo-Cunningham is a multi-faceted artist and Haida language Warrior/Preserver. 

She is the author and illustrator of the children’s books Killer Whale Eyes; Lovebirds – the True Story of Raven and Eagle; and Kúndlaan - The Wolf Pup with Moonlight in Her Eyes.

Sondra is the lead female vocalist of the Seattle-based tribal funk band, Khu’éex’, and sings/tells stories in the Tlingit and Haida Languages.  She also produces music with her husband, Eroc, and has released two albums, Díi Gudangáay uu Síigaay - I Can Feel the Ocean; and Sáandlaanaay - The First Light.

Sondra comes from a long, unbroken line of Yahkw Jáanaas — Haida Raven Clan, double-fin Killer Whale Crest, Brown Bear House Matriarchs. Her grandparents were Margaret Morrison of Hydaburg, AK and Duncan Cogo of Craig, AK who were both fluent in the Alaskan Haida dialect. Sondra's mother Vicki and her aunt Jeanne Cogo were “silent speakers” who grew up in a bilingual home.

The family would go home to Alaska every summer to visit Sondra's great-grandmother, Náanaa Stláay Viola Morrison, the clan Matriarch, who lived to be 104. She also spent time with her paternal great grandmother, Hannah Cogo, in Craig. Hannah gave Sondra her Haida name, Gidáa Kínggwaang (little doll looking around). So, Sondra was born and raised in a time when there were still many birth speakers alive. From a very young age, she grew up hearing and learning traditional Haida songs as well as gospel songs translated to Xaad kíl (Haida Language) by her Elders, who taught her how to sing harmonies.

Sondra was fortunate to apprentice with birth speaker, Jane Kristovich, during the last five years of Jane's life. This led Sondra to become the founder, visionary, and director of Haida Roots — a non-profit organization that connects local Haida to resources and opens opportunities for sharing their culture and learning Xaad kíl.

Her work with the Haida Roots language program lead Sondra to begin teaching Haida classes regularly online in 2020 as a response to quarantined community members during COVID. In 2022, she was asked to teach a Beginning Haida class as adjunct professor at the University of Alaska SE. In 2023, she plans to open an in-person early learning language nest for the young children in her area.

I vividly remember sitting with the Elders as they sang songs and spoke to each other fluent in Haida. It was a special time. One that seems to have disappeared. If only we could go back in time, I would pay better attention and ask more questions. But I am thankful for those precious moments. I am thankful for all that they had planted in my mind, heart, and soul. As I became an adult, I learned all they had gone through. I realized that they just wanted us to enjoy our childhood and they loved to speak free, laugh, sing, and dance.” — Sondra

Sondra Segundo Lifelong Haida Language Teaching by Elders/Instructors:

  • Viola Morrison: Great grandmother, birth speaker of Haida taught Sondra from 1970 to 1984

  • Margaret Cogo: Grandmother, birth speaker of Haida taught Sondra from 1970  to 2000

  • Duncan Cogo: Grandfather, birth speaker of Haida taught Sondra from 1970 to 2000

  • Robert Cogo: Grandfather’s brother, birth speaker of Haida taught Sondra from 2000 - present (through books he authored)

  • Louise Arrington: Grandmother’s sister, birth speaker of Haida taught Sondra from 1970  to 2000

  • Esther Nix: Grandmother’s sister, birth speaker of Haida taught Sondra from 1970 to 2000

  • Claude “Míijuu” Morrison: Grandmother’s brother, birth speaker of Haida taught Sondra from 1970 to 2000

  • Erma Lawrence: Fluent speaker, teacher of Haida, taught Sondra how to sing gospel songs in the Haida language and continues to learn from through books and recordings she created to preserve the Alaskan Haida dialect.

  • Victoria Segundo: Mother who taught Sondra songs and culture 1970-present

  • Jeanne Jimenez: Mother’s sister who taught Sondra songs and culture 1970-present

  • Woody Morrison: Mother’s 1st cousin, teacher of Haida who taught Sondra songs and culture 1970 to 2020

  • Benjamin Young: Cousin and mentor/fellow language warrior, who encouraged Sondra to work with Jane and start a cohort of learners in Seattle area which led to building the Haida Roots non-profit organization.

  • Linda Shrack: A professor of the Haida Language. Mentor and advisor to Sondra.

  • Jane Kristovich: Sondra apprenticed with Jane, birth speaker of Masset Haida dialect. Jane taught her phrases and songs in Haida and allowed Sondra to capture these teachings on video for future generations. Sondra apprenticed with Jane from 2019-2022

  • Joyce Alexander - Sondra’s mentor and current Matriarch of the Yahkw ‘Láanaas (Haida Raven Clan). Master regalia maker and proficient/fluent speaker and historian of protocols of the Haida language and culture.

  • Delores Churchill: Mentor and teacher of Haida culture, master weaver, fluent speaker of Haida, Jane’s sister who recorded current videos speaking conversations fluently with Jane. These videos are being utilized by language scholars and warriors. She has taught Sondra Haida spirituality, language and lessons about how the Haida raised children.

  • Rob Yates: Sondra’s mentor, business partner and clan cousin of Yahkw ‘Láanaas (Haida Raven Clan). Teacher and proficient speaker of Haida and historian of clan names and protocols of the Haida language and culture.